Dickens Pike posted an update 5 years ago
The next thing you need on your mini sales page is a guarantee. Most people use a thirty to sixty day money back guarantee. If you sell your package for low enough though you may never see a refund request. Just in case though keep enough to refund two or three sales in your acct.
What I considered to be the best, and you may have a different opinion of course, is one which has something like 50 different areas covered like a blanket.
Now Tips On List Building – 3 Super Tips To Increase Your Dollar Return From List Building is time to make your simple sales page. This is the page going to be used for your oto. New members of your list will see this page before they get there free products. This will be one of the two ways that you can make money from JV Giveaways.
The idea of inexpensive ebooks has originated in the Internet marketing circles a long time ago, but quite recently it has been spelled out in a rather novel way by Jonathan Leger in his now famous ebook: 7 Dollar Secrets. It would be rather silly to maintain that there is anything original or secret behind the $7 price tag, no matter what some Internet marketers might want you to believe. What is, however, original is the idea of selling those ebooks. Every buyer of such an ebook can resell it to others. All he needs to do is use the same link he used to buy the ebook with his Paypal email address inserted in the link code. As simple as that! Brilliant in my opinion because this offers the simplest and the least expensive way for others to try their efforts in Internet marketing.
By giving steps to follow, you can direct your subscriber to your "special" offers. Your download page can have more offers. Always add more peel away ads and bonus boxes to your download page.
Internet Marketing – Why You Should Not Sell Via Your Ads was dissapointed with the results I got with many companies who promised me riches beyond belief. I sifted through 25 companies who claim to build your prospect list exponentially. Out of List Building: The Fundamentals did some research and brought that number to 10. After signing in to those 10 sites, I got the number down to 3.
Until now there really hasn’t been anyone or thing to help you figure out what product or service works or doesn’t work. You were pretty much alone with no direction. Well I for one am getting sick and tired of throwing good money after bad.